СПОЧНО III. Change the sentences from the active into the passive
1. Betty often took her little children to the park.
2. We shall do everything in time.
3. Someone wants you on phone.
4. One uses milk for making butter.wordt a
5. They will save the money for their holiday.
6. People will laugh at you if you say it.
7. If they send for you do not refuse come.T 18
8. Somebody has invited her to the concert.

Лавданим Лавданим    2   10.02.2021 12:14    279

sufyanova99 sufyanova99  20.12.2023 14:44
1. The little children were often taken to the park by Betty. Explanation: The subject "Betty" in the active sentence becomes the agent in the passive sentence. The object "her little children" in the active sentence becomes the subject in the passive sentence. The verb "took" in the active sentence becomes "were taken" in the passive sentence. 2. Everything will be done in time by us. Explanation: The subject "we" in the active sentence becomes the agent in the passive sentence. The verb "shall do" in the active sentence becomes "will be done" in the passive sentence. 3. You are wanted on the phone by someone. Explanation: The subject "someone" in the active sentence becomes the agent in the passive sentence. The object "you" in the active sentence becomes the subject in the passive sentence. The verb "wants" in the active sentence becomes "are wanted" in the passive sentence. 4. Milk is used for making butter. Explanation: The subject "one" in the active sentence becomes the agent in the passive sentence. The verb "uses" in the active sentence becomes "is used" in the passive sentence. 5. The money will be saved for their holiday by them. Explanation: The subject "they" in the active sentence becomes the agent in the passive sentence. The object "the money" in the active sentence becomes the subject in the passive sentence. The verb "will save" in the active sentence becomes "will be saved" in the passive sentence. 6. You will be laughed at if it is said by you. Explanation: The subject "people" in the active sentence becomes the agent in the passive sentence. The pronoun "you" in the active sentence becomes the subject in the passive sentence. The verb "will laugh" in the active sentence becomes "will be laughed at" in the passive sentence. 7. If you are sent for, do not refuse to come. Explanation: The subject "they" in the active sentence becomes the agent in the passive sentence. The pronoun "you" in the active sentence becomes the subject in the passive sentence. The verb phrase "send for" in the active sentence becomes "are sent for" in the passive sentence. The verb "do not refuse" remains unchanged. 8. She has been invited to the concert by somebody. Explanation: The subject "somebody" in the active sentence becomes the agent in the passive sentence. The pronoun "her" in the active sentence becomes the subject in the passive sentence. The verb "has invited" in the active sentence becomes "has been invited" in the passive sentence.
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