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2nd year students, EP 6B02125 «Fiction film direction»
Associate professor of «Foreign Languages and APK», c.p.s. Tautenbayeva A.A
TASK № 12. Theme: Production.
Aim: work out the use of conditional sentences; use lexical material on the topic of the lesson in oral and written speech.
1.Reading: “Developing a crew”.
2. Please, develop a production crew (Describe lines of responsibility in a small-feature crew, with department heads).
SSWT: Doing all Grammar exercises to practice Conditionals (III, mixed)
Book, notebook, laptop, Internet
Methodical instructions on SSW and SSWT tasks:
1) Read the text quickly to get a general idea. Skim the introduction to get an idea of what the text is about. Next step, scan the text quickly to find specific information. Scan to find names, places, numbers or dates. As you read the text, circle the numbers, dates, names, etc. Then read the text to look for detail and specific information.
2) There are plenty of production and on set crew members who work directly with Background Actors, but there are many others responsible for bringing the elements of a film shoot together. Please, describe lines of responsibility in a small-feature crew, with department heads.
3) Please, do all grammar exercises to practice Conditionals (III, mixed).
Completed tasks should be submitted in written form in Microsoft Word format, and uploaded to the Web portal www.edu.kaznai.kz (T. Zhurgenov KazNAA - Distance learning system "Moodle") within deadline on the Moodle SDO.
1. Michael Rabiger. Directing film techniques and aesthetics. Fifth Edition. Focal Press 2013.
2. Raymond Murphy. English grammar in use. Fifth Edition. Cambridge University Press 2019.