New seven wonders of the world: teotihuacan b 4. long ago teotihuacan was an important religious and economic centre. however, after there a great fire, for some unknown reason all the population decided to leave the city. this happened in 650 ad. be b 5. since then teotihuacan the aztecs, the spanish invasion and many other people and events. see b 6. nowadays teotihuacan is visited by millions of people every year. archeologists are sure that it popular in the future being a must-see if you’re in mexico city. remain ^ new seven wonders of the world: the forbidden city b 7. today, the forbidden city is a public museum visited by millions of tourists from around the world. until 1924 when the last emperor of china had to leave the palace, twenty four emperors of the two dynasties here. rule b 8. chinese people a lot of time and money in the forbidden city lately and it is now a fantastic place to walk and dream of the past centuries. invest b 9. people from all over world can see the traditional palace architecture, enjoy the treasures in the palace, and learn of the legends and anecdotes about the imperial family and the court. keep b 10. protected by unesco, the palace museum by millions of tourists every year. visit

Роннилав Роннилав    3   04.08.2019 06:40    14

nikysa1 nikysa1  02.08.2020 07:53
B 4.  was
B 5. has SEEn
B 6. will REMAIN
B 7. had RULEd
B 8.  have INVESTed
B 9. KEpt
B 10. is VISITed
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