Необходимо выделить в предложениях глагол в
видовременной форме Past Perfect Passive. Перевести предложения.
1) She didn't follow the advice she had been given.
2) He wondered why the letter had been sent without a starp.
3) He was told that the museum had been closed a week before.
4) I wanted to help but saw that the table had already been laid.
5) I was very angry that my name and address had not been given her.
6) She didn't want to speak to me. I realized that she had already been
told about my decision.
7) I understood the rule after it had been explained to me twice.

kamil7777 kamil7777    1   12.04.2020 23:25    0

varyuska varyuska  18.08.2020 08:56


1) She didn't follow the advice she had been given.

Она не последовала совету, который ей дали.

2) He wondered why the letter had been sent without a starp.

Он поинтересовался, почему письмо было отправлено без марки (скорее всего опечатка в слове starp и имелось ввиду stamp - марка).

3) He was told that the museum had been closed a week before.

Ему сказали, что музей закрыли неделю назад.

4) I wanted to help but I saw that the table had already been laid.

Я хотел но увидел, что стол уже накрыт.

5) I was very angry that my name and address had not been given her.

Я был очень зол, что ей не дали (в смысле не сообщили) мое имя и адрес.  

6) She didn't want to speak to me. I realized that she had already been

told about my decision.

Она не хотела со мной разговаривать. Я понял, что ей уже рассказали о моем решении.

7) I understood the rule after it had been explained to me twice.

Я понял правило после того, как мне дважды его объяснили.

098714 098714  18.08.2020 08:56
1) had been given
2) had been sent
3) had been closed
4) had already been laid
5) had not been given
6)had been told
7)had been explained
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