Найти лишнее слово в каждом предложении: 1 he was promoted as because of his exceptional performance at work. 2 as a result of his being waking up late, he missed the meeting. 3 the woman who greeting the crowd is the duchess of kent. 4 the star hired a bodyguard for fear of she might be kidnapped. 5 a pen is used for to writing. 6 despite of being pressed for time, he listened to her complaints. 7 brilliant though his proposals as were, they were not accepted. 8 those whose houses were damaged by the flood they will be compensated. 9 i’ll collect the tickets before i will go to the office. 10 nobody knows the reason for his being absence. 11 she crossed the street to avoid from meeting him. 12 how so considerate of you to give us a call! 13 the man that arrested for arson will appear in court today. 14 when they will finish rehearsing, they are planning to give a press conference. 15 they introduced new measures in order that to control the situation. 16 she has got so little of information that she can’t possibly help us. 17 they’re planning to record the match in case they will miss it. 18 theirs was such a nice furniture that we all admired it. 19 what an awful weather! 20 this is the fireman who he risked his life to save the girl. 21 we were running out of time so that we had to make haste. 22 he decided to visit the place where monet spent his life there. 23 the mp, whose his speech made such an impression, is leaving for paris tonight. 24 he left early so that as to be sure of getting to work on time. 25 john acts as if he were been in charge of the whole department.

toshakovanadez toshakovanadez    1   01.09.2019 01:10    3

Анна12061 Анна12061  06.10.2020 08:47
1 as 2 his3 who4 of5 to6 to7 as8 they9 will10 being11 from12 so13 that14 will15 that16 of17 will18 it19 an20 he21 that22 there23 his24 as25 been
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