Найдите синонимы следующих слов и словосочетаний:

to enjoy smth very much; to get underway; to have a chance; to my mind; a gale; to close hatches; to understand; to decrease; ashore; I am sorry to say, that...

frends06 frends06    3   21.02.2020 03:07    103

lerikonusheva lerikonusheva  25.01.2024 11:36
Хорошо, вот подробные и обстоятельные ответы на каждый вопрос:

1. Найдите синонимы следующих слов и словосочетаний:
- to enjoy smth very much (очень наслаждаться чем-то): to love, to relish, to adore
- to get underway (начать движение, отправляться): to start, to begin, to commence
- to have a chance (иметь возможность): to get an opportunity, to be able to, to have a shot
- to my mind (по-моему мнению): in my opinion, in my view, from my perspective
- a gale (шторм, ветреная погода): a storm, a tempest, a squall
- to close hatches (закрыть люки): to seal hatches, to shut hatches, to close doors tightly
- to understand (понимать): to comprehend, to grasp, to fathom
- to decrease (уменьшаться): to reduce, to diminish, to lessen
- ashore (на берегу; на суше): on land, onshore, inland
- I am sorry to say, that... (к сожалению...): unfortunately, regrettably, unhappily

Теперь, чтобы ответ был понятен школьнику, давайте посмотрим на примеры использования каждого синонима:

1. Синонимы для "to enjoy smth very much":
- I love eating pizza.
- I relish the opportunity to play the piano.
- I adore spending time with my friends.

2. Синонимы для "to get underway":
- The race will start soon.
- The journey will begin in a few minutes.
- We are about to commence our trip.

3. Синонимы для "to have a chance":
- I might have an opportunity to travel this summer.
- I could be able to go to the concert.
- There's a chance that I might win the competition.

4. Синонимы для "to my mind":
- In my opinion, chocolate is the best dessert.
- From my perspective, studying is important for success.
- In my view, the movie was fantastic.

5. Синонимы для "a gale":
- The storm was so strong that it uprooted trees.
- The tempestuous weather made it difficult to go outside.
- The squall blew away the roof of the house.

6. Синонимы для "to close hatches":
- We need to seal the hatches tightly to protect ourselves from the storm.
- Make sure to shut the hatches properly before the rain starts.
- Please close the doors tightly to prevent any leaks.

7. Синонимы для "to understand":
- I comprehend the lesson completely.
- I grasp the concept of algebra.
- I fathom the meaning of the poem.

8. Синонимы для "to decrease":
- The temperature will reduce in the evening.
- The amount of rainfall will diminish overnight.
- The number of participants in the competition will lessen this year.

9. Синонимы для "ashore":
- We arrived on land after a long voyage.
- We reached the onshore safely.
- We docked inland without any complications.

10. Синонимы для "I am sorry to say, that...":
- Unfortunately, I can't attend the party.
- Regrettably, I won't be able to join the meeting.
- Unhappily, I have to cancel our plans.

Надеюсь, эти пояснения и примеры помогут вам лучше понять значения и использование синонимов в данных контекстах.
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