Найдите ошибки. 1.you don't can go to the party. 2.he musts take his dog for a walk. 3.i can to help you. 4.he not must be late. 5.can his brothrr speaks french ? 6.paul must to go there. 7.you don't must smoke here.

81810000 81810000    2   30.08.2019 08:10    16

Еваююююююююююю Еваююююююююююю  06.10.2020 04:46
1. you can't go to the party
2. He must take his dog for a walk.
3. I can help you
4. He mustn't be late
5. can his brother speak French?
6. Paul must go there
7. You mustn't smoke here.
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