С! нужно написать рассказ небольшой на с переводом на , что бы его можно было выучить(примерно 8 предложений, но маленькие). (ну или вопрос): how do you stay healthy? remember to : * describe your medical history; (в past simple) * say what you usually do to be healthy; (в present simple) * say how you changed your life to be healthier(в present perfect) * say what you have done this week, month .(в present perfect) болезни которые были у меня: простуда, грипп, боль в животе и боль в голове( это на всякий случай). заранее огромное

savech11 savech11    3   19.09.2019 18:40    0

sofya0skoblova sofya0skoblova  04.08.2020 12:04
When I used to be small I loved going in for sports such as volleyball and tennis. But when I when to high school I used all my time doing homework and projects. My health went down. I lost my physical form and got asthma. I realized that sports make my body healthier and decided to jog once in a while. Now I feel much better and my lung problems don't bother me anymore. This week I've jogged for a few hours in the evening not far from my house.
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