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Впмриирсгишммп Впмриирсгишммп    3   18.07.2019 01:50    3

youlia86 youlia86  03.10.2020 06:50
I have many favorite hobbies. I love to read, I love to ride a bike, and I really like the story. But my most important hobby - it's drawing.
      I started drawing when I was a kid. Mom and Dad often gave me the pens in different colors, crayons and beautiful, snow-white drawing paper. I liked to portray on a sheet of something beautiful, plants, animals, and sometimes humans. So I often do myself cards for mom and dad.
      However, my first drawings were not the best. Something crooked, something that did not work. But I always continued to paint. Now, it seems to me, I paint very well. My works are hanging on the walls in my room. I often send their works to the contest of children's drawings, and often receive diplomas and prizes.
      Moreover, I go to art school. I really like it there. In art school reigns a real atmosphere of creativity and skill. We usually draw a still life, sometimes people. In the summer we go on plein-air and paint nature, flowers, forests, trees, houses.
      Now my drawings quite good. But someday I want to learn to paint like the great Russian artists I.Shishkin, Ivan Aivazovsky and K.Bryullov! I'm sure I can draw even better if I try.
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