1.замени подчеркнутые фразы нужным модальным глаголом (can/can’t, must/mustn’t, should/shouldn’t, may, have to/don’t have to)

1)There are some rules in the university halls of residence (студенческое общежитие). For example, it’s forbidden for students to keep pets.
2)It’s possible we’ll go on a trip to the capital.
3)Citizens are obliged to obey the laws.
4)It’s a good idea to have a picnic in the park
5)It’s not necessary for you to go shopping. We have much food.
6)Drivers are allowed to park cars at the shopping mall.
7)I don’t have an ability to write poems.

Iliyz Iliyz    1   22.04.2020 17:26    0

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