Напишите 5 вопросов по тексту (общий, альтернативный, разделительный, wh-вопрос, вопрос к подлежащему) и запишите их. How Did Forks Originate?
The first man to use a kind of fork for eating probably lived thousands of years ago. But the everyday use of forks is a very recent development in the history of man. The primitive savage used to pick up their meat with the help of small twigs.
Actual forks were used only for cooking. These first were long. They were made of iron, bone, and hard wood. It took a very long time for forks to be accepted in general use in dining. Only 300 years ago they were great curiosities in Europe. In fact, in France everyone ate with fingers until the 17th century. Even at the very elegant Court of Louis XIV no one used a fork! When people first began to use forks for eating, other people used to laugh at them. From the 17th century on, table manners developed along modern lines. And by the end of the 18th century, the fork was accepted as a necessity in the homes of most cultivated people

hihilaim hihilaim    1   11.03.2021 19:23    20

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