1. Переведите следующие предложения. Определите в них функции глагола do: усилительную, вс глагола, глагола-заместителя. 1. The individual electrons do not move even approximately independent of the another as do, for example, the planets in the solar system. 2. Copper does not combine with oxygen when cold, but it does do so slowly when heated. 3. The beta-rays which do pass through the aluminum do not ionize the gas as profusely as do the alpha-rays. 4. Most authorities agree that catalysts do in some manner combine with the substance or substances upon which their catalytic influence is exerted. 2. Переведите следующие предложения. Укажите, чем в них вызван обратный порядок слов: 1. Nowhere can we see such rapid progress as in radio engineering. 2. Not only does chlorine unite with gaseous hydrogen, but it will sometimes take hydrogen from other elements. 3. Only upon the adsorption of larger amounts was the sensitivity again lowered. 4. No sooner has the current started running in one direction than back it comes again.

3. Переведите следующие предложения. Определите, какими в них выделен тот или иной член предложения: 1. Not only did the newly discovered electron provide an entity which was assumed to be a constituent of all atoms, but it also provided a natural unit of electric charge. 2. Positrons have only a short period of existence after their formation. It is for this reason that the positive electron had proved so difficult to detect. 3. Incomplete though these figures are, they give more information in several respects than has before been available.

Analochka Analochka    1   11.11.2020 15:05    29

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