Написать спец. вопросы начиная с how many 1.they bought two books. 2.they give her five toys 3.he can give her three apllles. 4.she could take eight sweets. 5.they have got ten carrots.

Сетора11 Сетора11    3   22.06.2019 08:10    1

BigD13 BigD13  17.07.2020 15:15
How many books did they buy
How many toys do they give her
How many carrots can he give her
How many sweets could she eat
How many carrots have they got
баги82 баги82  17.07.2020 15:15
How many books did you buy?
How many toys she give her?
How many apples can he give her?
How many sweets did she take?
How many carrots they have got?
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