Написать сочинение на тему: вам подарили новый компьютер, и у вас начались проблемы с жестким диском, опишите в сочинении: - что за проблема произошла с компьютером - как вы это обнаружили - что вы сделали для того, чтобы исправить ситуацию

MezarYT MezarYT    1   19.05.2019 08:00    2

nova9696 nova9696  12.06.2020 12:28

I was lucky - I got brand new computer from one of my best friends for my birthday! But just few days after something went wrong - I could not access my video files. I tried few simple ways to get there - I double clicked on each file, I selected some and pressed enter, but nothing happened. I restarted computer with same negative result. Finally I realized there should be problem with the hard disc. Well, as I said, I am lucky - it is brand new computer and problem happened during guarantee period, so I simply took the whole thing to nearest service center (fortunately it is in my city and is not as far as London!) and got it repaired!

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