Написать письмо винни пуху по всероссийская !

sab435 sab435    3   07.09.2019 09:10    2

учусь5 учусь5  06.10.2020 22:46
I have not received news from you. How are you doing? Last time you wrote that your apiary is increasing and harder to hide it from prying eyes. How are you managed? The patch helps? I hope the profit is enough for utilities? We are also have grown, but you strip off in the barrel of honey per cubic meter of hot water and three barrels for cleaning adjacent areas – it's disgusting! (sorry Piglet). Once again I invite you to visit. I know you said that from November to March sleeping, but someone I grunted, that's not quite true. How can a grown bear and five months spent at the computer! Piglet does not have time to replenish you! "Call of Duty", "Doom", the character is still as you can understand, but "Funny farm"!? And zastavlyat Piglet to get up at 4 am to water your garden and harvest!? Oh, by the way, stop to pretend to be Classmates for a polar bear with the Kiev registration! And no, I'm not going to call Orengo and demand that you finally baked and
dimon4ikk122 dimon4ikk122  06.10.2020 22:46
Hello, Viney! I'm ... . How are you and your friend piggy? I have heard that he and you came to visit your friend bunny resently. It was very interesting and funny story, hahah, when you tried to get out of the narrow burrow of a rabbit, because you too fat. But, piggy give's help you and pulled out you. This served as lesson for you, that do not eat much honey!
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