1. You need a ladder...

A. to build nesting boxes

B. to collect rubbish from the tree house

C. to teach the cycle of life

2. You need a plastic bag...

A. to save electricity

B. to collect rubbish

C. to recycle old batteries and electronics

3. You need a book

A. to build nesting boxes

B. to read about ecology

C. to save electricity

4. You need a spade

A. to plant a tree

B. to save water

C. to recycle cans

Neronminecraft Neronminecraft    2   18.03.2020 05:00    3

Gumerova0424 Gumerova0424  12.10.2020 00:35
A.) to build a nesting boxB.) to collect rubbishB.) to read about ecologyA.) to plant a tree
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