I am a student
I go to work every day
she brings me coffee every day
I ride
he dreams
I don't go to school every day
they don't drink tea
he doesn't drive a car
nobody speaks Arabic
I do nothing
do you like pizza?
does he lives in Spain?
I do want to try this
I am ready
They play music every Sunday
She speaks Chinese
The Earth rotates around its axis
Moscow is the largest city in Russia
The airplane takes off at 4.30 am
I am a student
I go to work every day
she brings me coffee every day
I ride
he dreams
I don't go to school every day
they don't drink tea
he doesn't drive a car
nobody speaks Arabic
I do nothing
do you like pizza?
does he lives in Spain?
I do want to try this
I am ready
They play music every Sunday
She speaks Chinese
The Earth rotates around its axis
Moscow is the largest city in Russia
The airplane takes off at 4.30 am