На ійськом текст 20 речень про себе ( характер , зовнішні дівчина

cska2003 cska2003    2   06.10.2019 19:35    2

Miya5koka Miya5koka  10.10.2020 00:15

Girl: My classmate has very long and beautiful hair. Color very well and elegantly matches the color of her gentle and delicate eyes. From jewelry, she likes to wear earrings that are made of pure silver and small pebbles of blue color. She herself walks in a white shirt with a beautiful watch on her hand. He wears black jeans. She also loves to wear her elegant necklace. Often puts on a shirt a beautiful red jacket. And from the jackets wears a black coat. She is very fond of teddy bunnies, that's why she wears a bunny portfolio, and a bunny raver is painted on the phone case.


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