(на )составить диалог между родителем, учителем, школьным психологом и подростком. используйте слова и фразы для выражения мнений, согласия и несогласия. (по этому тексту): 14-летний мальчик проводит весь день в своей спальне перед своим компьютером, на сайтах социальных сетей или в играх.

pashahitman1900 pashahitman1900    3   14.09.2019 15:10    1

Diches Diches  07.10.2020 14:32
A 14-year-old boy, Petya, spends the whole day in his bedroom in front of his computer, on social networking sites or in games. The drivers were dissatisfied with this. And they decided to go to a school psychologist.-Hi, what's your name boy?Oh, hello my name is Peter, I need you, or can I go, I'm waiting for everything ?!-Who is Petya waiting for you?
-Well, I'm waiting for the network well, these social networks and my favorite toys!And why do you need them?-All just play and I wanted to try, but I liked Oocen very much!-And what's interesting about this?-And what's interesting about this?- Do not you like pets or what about pogyalat with friends?"I've never had anything from this ..."Let's give you a kitty or introduce you to friends?Well, although I would always like a hamster.Well, although I would always like a hamster.-Okay, okay, we agreed.-Developments of Petya-Till
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