My school is the second home for me. A building of the school is modern but the school is old itself. This is a huge four-storey institution of incomprehensible shape. Pupils study in different buildings, so no one bothers anyone. There are three buildings: for primary school, for secondary school and for high school. The classrooms at my school are spacious and bright, with large plastic windows and comfortable desks. My favourite ofice is Chemistry room. On the ground floor of our building there is a large spacious hall and wardrobe. Each building has a large Assembly hall and a gym. In the Assembly hall animators usually organize concerts, meetings with various famous guests, balls and discos. In the gym, there are not only physical education classes, but also competitions between teams of different schools and even of cities. In my school you can find a lot of kinds of activities: dance, choir, drawing, handmade and music. Of course, you must not forget about your studying. Our teachers teach us to be responsible and curious therefore, there are a few people who learn poorly. My school is very cozy, and it has got everything I need to study and develop. I like the place where I study! Зaдaниe 1. Пocmoтpитe нa выдeлeнныe cлoвa. Coeдинитe их co знaчeниem нижe.

1) incomprehensible shape b) have bad marks

2) bother c) a form that impossible to understand

3) learn poorly f) to annoy someone by trying to get their attention when they do not want to see you or talk to you

Зaдaниe 2. Пpocmoтpитe тekcт eщё paз, a зaтem пocmoтpитe нa aнглийckиe yтвepждeния нижe. Выбepeтe «True» (T), «False» (F) или «Not stated» (NS).

The school is built in the form of a rectangle.
There are always a lot of people on the floors.
The beginning of the year is celebrated next to the main entrance.
You can do everything you want.
Competitions are held between schools, cities and even countries.
The school has very few students who study badly.
Each building hasn`t a large Assembly hall. ​

Svinhaa Svinhaa    3   16.10.2020 04:53    53

Макс528103 Макс528103  19.01.2024 08:58
Здравствуйте! Спасибо за вопрос о вашей школе. Давайте я вам помогу с заданиями.

Задание 1:
1) incomprehensible shape - это "такая форма, которую невозможно понять" (ответ c);
2) bother - это "досаждать кому-либо, мешать" (ответ f);
3) learn poorly - это "изучать плохо" (ответ b).

Задание 2:
1) The school is built in the form of a rectangle. - Ответ: Not stated (NS). В тексте не упоминается о форме школы.
2) There are always a lot of people on the floors. - Ответ: False (F). В тексте не указано, что на этажах всегда много людей.
3) The beginning of the year is celebrated next to the main entrance. - Ответ: Not stated (NS). В тексте не указано, где именно отмечается начало учебного года.
4) You can do everything you want. - Ответ: False (F). Нет, нельзя делать всё, что хочется.
5) Competitions are held between schools, cities and even countries. - Ответ: True (T). В гимнастическом зале проводятся соревнования между командами разных школ и даже городов.
6) The school has very few students who study badly. - Ответ: Not stated (NS). В тексте не указано, сколько студентов имеют плохие оценки.
7) Each building hasn't a large Assembly hall. - Ответ: False (F). В каждом здании есть большой актовый зал.

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