Вставь в эти предложения глаголы am, is или are 1 you funny. 2 we friends 3 these boys good pupils. 4 my mum not at home. 5 this table very old. 6 i in class 3. 7 you my best friend. 8 the sky blue. 9 my favourite colours red and orange. 10 the tower of london a very interesting place. 11. we very busy. 12 my friends from england. 13 i in the shop

Rys2017 Rys2017    2   15.06.2019 18:00    1

вопросик70 вопросик70  12.07.2020 19:49
1 are
2 are
3 are
4 is
5 is
6 am
7 are
8 is
9 are
10 is
11 are
12 are
13 am
fedoseeva3335 fedoseeva3335  12.07.2020 19:49
1 are
2 are
3 are
4 is
5 is
6 am
7 are
8 is
9 are
10 is
11 are
12 are
13 am
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