Мне нужно написать на мини сочинение на тему "озеро байкал" 10 предложений максимум ! ( где находится оно дальше каких размеров озеро , что угрожает байкалу) !

grisharazumovs grisharazumovs    3   31.07.2019 15:40    2

dflbv20050102 dflbv20050102  28.09.2020 18:04
This lake is the greatest not only in Russia, but even in the whole world! Lake Baikal is situated in Siberia not far from Irkutsk. The Baikal is the largest lake. It is also the deepest lake in the world! This lake is really beautiful! All people are impressed when they see it! Many fish species live in the Baikal. But nowadays this lake is in danger. The water in the lake is polluted by factories so fish die in such dirty water. People must protect the lake!
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