перевести предложения на английский язык:
1.Я люблю биологию и химию.
2.Анна лучше всех разбирается в математике
3.Они бы хотели проводить больше времени изучая литературу.
4.В начале года всем студентам дают расписание
5.Мои родители были довольны, когда увидели мой табель успеваемости
6.Физика не очень хорошо мне дается
7.Мой брат сдал тест по вождению вчера
8.Том провалил экзамен. Ему следовало лучше готовиться.
9.У тебя устный экзамен на следующей неделе. Я бы на твоем месте больше повторял и выключал телевизор во время учебы.
10.Том неправильно ответил на 3 во
1. I love biology and chemistry.
2. Anna is the best at math
3. They would like to spend more time studying literature.
4. at the beginning of the year, all students are given a schedule
5. My parents were happy when they saw my report card
6. Physics is not very good for me
7. My brother passed the driving test yesterday
8. Tom failed the exam. He should have prepared better.
9. you have an oral exam next week. If I were you, I would repeat it more and turn off the TV during school.
10. Tom incorrectly answered 3 questions.
1. I love biology and chemistry.
2. Anna is the best at math
3. They would like to spend more time studying literature.
4. at the beginning of the year, all students are given a schedule
5. My parents were happy when they saw my report card
6. Physics is not very good for me
7. My brother passed the driving test yesterday
8. Tom failed the exam. He should have prepared better.
9. you have an oral exam next week. If I were you, I would repeat it more and turn off the TV during school.
10.Tom incorrectly answered 3 questions.