Lily-Hi, my name is Lily! What is your name?
Kate-Hi, my name is Kate, let's be friends!
Lily- Yes, that's a good idea.
And so Lily and Kate became best friends forever...
Lily: Hi, my name is Lily! What is your name?
Kate: Hi, my name is Kate, let's be friends!
Lily: Yes, that's a good idea.
Lily-Hi, my name is Lily! What is your name?
Kate-Hi, my name is Kate, let's be friends!
Lily- Yes, that's a good idea.
And so Lily and Kate became best friends forever...
Lily: Hi, my name is Lily! What is your name?
Kate: Hi, my name is Kate, let's be friends!
Lily: Yes, that's a good idea.
And so Lily and Kate became best friends forever...