Leaving out unnecessary pronours and making stake necessary. 1)The girl she said nothing.

2) The teacher gave us on exercise to do it
3)He went home and he got his book

4)she gave us a football to play with it.

5) The beck which it is on the table mine.

olyakei olyakei    1   04.12.2021 23:02    0

milyukovnikita milyukovnikita  04.12.2021 23:10

Удаляем ненужные местоимения, получаем правильные предложения:

1) The girl said nothing.

2) The teacher gave us an exercise to do.

3) He went home and got his book.

4) She gave us a football to play with.

5) The book which is on the table is mine.

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