Language as widely spoken asenglish. many would reasonably claim that, in the fields of business, academics, science, computing, education, transportation, politics and entertainment, english is already identified as the de facto lingua franca.
so, what’s stopping you from learning this global language? with all the english resources available on the internet and so many other english speakers around the world to practice with, there’s never been a
better time to start mastering english. pick up a book, learn a few words, or even start a course today and take your first steps towards becoming one of nearly 800 million english speakers in the world.

after -reading exercises
read the article carefully and fill in the gaps with one word.
a global language acts as a
between speakers whose native languages are different.
american research journal of english and literature (arjel)
1. 2.
4. considering the technological advancement, english still remain the language of
communication for many people.
5. english as a global language has become the language of power and prestige and thereby an international to social and economic progress.
6. most people learn english not because they want to know it for the sake but to enable them to a good job.
7. some scholars argue that the rise of english as a global language is a positive influence on the development of cultures as it brings people together to ideas and cultures as well.
8. with all the english resources available on the internet and many other modes of study there’s never been a better time to start english.
9. in the fields of business, academics, science, computing, education, transportation, politics and entertainment, english is already as the de facto lingua franca.
a language that is adopted as a common language
english is not only a mode of communication but, it is also considered as “ culture and identity”.
many of the best mba programs are taught in english, so speaking it well can put you in a
position to get the best training and .
there are a lot of arguments to call english the international language of
business, and it’s increasingly true as international trade expands every year, bringing new countries
into contact.

2. paraphrase the sentences using active vocabulary.
1. most job applications begin with a written overview of past work experience and identification papers. 2. socialist societies have typically had a certain sector to ease giving out of consumer goods.
4. longer length gloves, covered with cuff bracelets were extremelly fashionable in the 19th century.
5. after a few days in japan i learnt a few japanese phrases.
6. this exhibition features 22 major works acquired by the san francisco museum of modern art directly from the artist in 1999, making the museum the largest holder of his works.
7. the rest of the week will find her in planning meetings or taking part in the planned events.’
8. he is able to explain complicated ideas in simple everyday language.
9. it's been a difficult project from the very beginning and i've already spent two years on it.
10. what is her name? i know it, but i can't remember. joan. joan simpson. that’s it!
3. our furniture
survived the long
journey more or less undamaged

drag the letters to make a word. you may use any letter more than once.
1. enstsaventiet 2. tionlitaicaf
3. denontiaficiti 4. aelabspenuk 5. ranecleonti

4. translate the sentences from russian into english. 1. язык
является одним из основных установления национальных народа.
2. необходимо много практики, чтобы освоить иностранный язык.
3. можно массу убедительных аргументов в пользу изучения языка на
профессиональном уровне.
4. для того, чтобы молодежь поспевала за таким развитием событий, она, несомненно,
нуждается в ознакомлении с новыми технологиями, обучении иностранным языкам и развитии социального и культурного взаимопонимания
5. образованный человек должен уметь вести светские беседы на самые разнообразные темы социального характера.
6. автора заставили разговаривать с сотрудниками посольства через переводчика, хотя он свободно изъясняется по-испански.
7. джек (jack) только болтает и ничего не делает. я бы на твоем месте не воспринимал его слова всерьёз
8. для предотвращения межнациональных конфликтов мы должны уметь проявлять терпимость
и вести диалог.
9. я думаю, что мы говорили о разных вещах, я имел в виду следующий год, а не этот
10. они были так похожи, что их практически было невозможно отличить

kekmanchik kekmanchik    3   19.09.2019 09:47    5

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