НУЖНА Прочитайте правило и выполните упражнение в письменной форме: Придаточные условия имеют 3 формы (1. реального условия для наст., пр. и буд. времени 2. маловероятного условия для наст. и буд. времени 3. нереализованные в Упражнение: определите тип предложения (1,2) и задайте во Переведите предложения и определите тип (1,2 или 3) и задайте во к предложению. 1.We shouldn't have caught the train if we had left the house ten minutes later. 2. If we leave right now we shall get tickets. 3. I should be very glad if he came to see us. 4. If you see Victor tell him to ring me up. 5. If you were not so tired we should see some more places of interest. 6. If you had gone to the stadium you would have seen an interesting match. 7. They would enjoy every minute of the performance if they went to the concert with us. 8.She wouldn't have forgotten to take her exercise-book if she had put it in her bag yesterday. 9.We should be very glad if you brought your friend with you. 10. She will ring you up if she is not quite well and can not attend lessons. 11. We shouid have organised the competition better if you had tould us about it a month before. 12. The patient would have been better if you had called the doctor much earlier.

Тема: Косвенная речь. Прочитайте правило и выполните упражнение в письменной форме. Переведите в КР краткие диалоги: 1. Pam: " The train is late". Steve: "What do you say?" Pam: "I say the train is late". 2. Sam to Pete: "Are you fond of travelling?" Pete: "Oh, yes, I like it." 3. Robert to Kate: "Where do you live?" Kate: "I live in London." 4. Mrs Robinson to her son: "Have you done your homework?" Her son: "I have just completed." 5. The student to the teacher: "Mr Harmsworth...". The teacher to the student: "Don't interrupt."

Тема: Согласование времен в КР (косвенной речи). Если слова автора стоят в настоящем времени, то в КР время сказуемого не изменяется. Пример: "The road is closed". I tell you that the road is closed. Если слова автора стоят в времени, то в КР время сказуемого передается как событие. Пример: I told you that the road was closed. Cдвиг времен происходит в соответствии с данной схемой.Present Indefinite переходит в Past Indefinite; Present Continuous> Past Continuous; Present Perfect и Past Indefinite > Past Perfect; Future Indefinite > Future in the Past. Выполните упражнение в письменной форме. Переделайте следующие предложения в КР, используя слова автора I told... 1. "Ann is coming to the party". 2. "Bill passed his exem". 3."I can afford a holiday this year". 4. "Gemma wants to join as". 5. "I spent this summer at my friends". 6. "The bridge has collapsed". 7. "They are repairing it". 8. "I shall meet Mary".

SofaBai SofaBai    1   26.05.2020 15:48    11

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