Измените грамматическую форму (степень сравнения, временную форму, падеж, число и т.д.) слова, указанного напротив так, чтобы она соответствовала пропуску:

11) The Great Wall of China for 6,700 km from east to west of China. to run

12) It is one of the wonders of the world. great

13) People the Wall so that they could protect the country from different aggressors. to build

14) The construction began in the century. sixteen

15) Since then the Great Wall the symbol of the incredible power of the Chinese people. to become

Задание 4


Измените слово, данное на полях напротив так, чтобы оно соответствовало пропуску.

16) Some people say that Englishmen are old- in manners and discipline. fashion

17) They do not behave in the street. noisy

18) English people don’t like to show their emotions even in situations. danger

19) They dislike any of their feelings and difficulties. demonstrate

20) But they are not against their and kindness to every foreigner. poli

arinagrom22 arinagrom22    1   15.05.2020 11:18    19

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