Напишите на тему моя комната не меене 10 предложений. начанать так тошто я живу в квартире а потом описывать комноту с предлогами under between on behind и так

danilukm548p09te8 danilukm548p09te8    3   20.03.2019 09:20    1

Polina55454 Polina55454  26.05.2020 07:12

Hello, my name is... and I would like to tell you about my room. 

Firstly I want to say that I live in a rather large flat, which is situated in a 12 storey building. There are 3 rooms in my flat.

Now I would like to tell about my room. I live in a very airy, comfortable, warm and attractive room. There are two windows in my room. There is a table near windows. There is a comfortable chair behind the table. There is a blue carpet in the right corner of the room. There is a grey sofa between the carpet and the chair. 

I like my room very much, I suppose that it is a very lovely place of my flat.  

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