Используйте слова в скобках для образования нужных по контексту слов для заполнения пропусков: 1) propose) will be taken into consideration. 2) arrive) was so unexpected. 3) the boy' refuse) to apply a comb to his hair looked funny. 4) i'll phone you on the day remove). 5) ) is very strong. 6)
her water- draw) are so sweet. 7) i can ) in your eyes. 8)we can say hesitate) that he is the best boxer in our city. 9) mother says i was naughty in ). 10) pollute) is one of the largest problems in our world. 11) her face was flushed excite). 12) unfortunately he doesn't have imagine). 13)the
low protects children ). 14) there is ) of a new tornado in our region. 15) i am satisfied with the equip).

kveresgova kveresgova    3   08.10.2019 12:50    16

frolovaasd2017 frolovaasd2017  25.01.2024 16:41
1) The proposal will be taken into consideration. (Предложение будет принято во внимание.)
- Explanation: A proposal is a suggestion or an idea. When something is taken into consideration, it means that it will be thought about or considered.

2) The arrival was so unexpected. (Прибытие было таким неожиданным.)
- Explanation: Arrival refers to the act of coming to a place. If something is unexpected, it means that it was not anticipated or predicted.

3) The boy's refusal to apply a comb to his hair looked funny. (Отказ мальчика расчесывать волосы выглядел смешно.)
- Explanation: Refusal means the act of saying no or declining to do something. When someone applies a comb to their hair, it means that they are using a comb to tidy or groom their hair.

4) I'll phone you on the day of removal. (Я позвоню тебе в день удаления.)
- Explanation: Removal refers to the act of taking something away or eliminating it. In this context, it could refer to an event or a specific thing that will be removed or taken away.

5) The pollution is very strong. (Загрязнение очень сильное.)
- Explanation: Pollution refers to the introduction of harmful substances or pollutants into the environment. If something is strong, it means that it is powerful or intense.

6) Her watercolors are so sweet. (Ее акварели такие милые.)
- Explanation: Watercolors refer to a type of paint that is transparent and used with water. If something is sweet, it means that it is pleasing or enjoyable.

7) I can see it in your eyes. (Я могу видеть это в твоих глазах.)
- Explanation: In this context, "it" refers to some kind of expression, emotion, or feeling. If someone can see something in your eyes, it means that they can perceive or understand it by looking into your eyes.

8) We can hesitantly say that he is the best boxer in our city. (Мы можем с некоторым колебанием сказать, что он лучший боксер в нашем городе.)
- Explanation: Hesitate means to pause or be uncertain before taking an action or making a decision. If something is the best, it means that it is of the highest quality or most superior in comparison to others.

9) Mother says I was naughty in infancy. (Мама говорит, что я был непослушным в младенчестве.)
- Explanation: Infancy refers to the early stage of life, specifically the period of a baby's life. Naughty means to behave badly or misbehave.

10) Pollution is one of the largest problems in our world. (Загрязнение - одна из самых больших проблем в нашем мире.)
- Explanation: Pollution refers to the introduction of harmful substances or pollutants into the environment. Problems are difficulties or concerns that need to be addressed or solved.

11) Her face was flushed with excitement. (Ее лицо было покрыто покраснением от волнения.)
- Explanation: When someone's face is flushed, it means that their skin becomes red or pink in color. Excitement refers to a feeling of enthusiasm or eagerness.

12) Unfortunately, he doesn't have imagination. (К сожалению, у него нет воображения.)
- Explanation: Imagination refers to the ability to create mental images or ideas. If someone doesn't have imagination, it means that they lack the ability to think creatively or come up with imaginative ideas.

13) The law protects children from harm. (Закон защищает детей от вреда.)
- Explanation: The law refers to a set of rules or regulations established by the government. Protect means to keep someone or something safe from harm or danger.

14) There is a warning of a new tornado in our region. (Есть предупреждение о новом торнадо в нашем регионе.)
- Explanation: Warning refers to a statement or an indication that potential danger or harm is imminent or possible. A tornado is a powerful and destructive vortex of wind.

15) I am satisfied with the equipment. (Я доволен оборудованием.)
- Explanation: Equipment refers to the tools, machinery, or devices needed for a particular activity or purpose. Satisfied means to be content or pleased with something.
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