III. Измени прямую речь на косвенную:

1. Tom said “My parents are very well’

2. “I want to go on holiday”

3. “ I will visit you”

4. “I visited London last year’

5. “I have already been to the museum”

6. “I am Russian”

7. “Dan is watching his favourite TV programme”

8. “I wrote the essay yesterday”

9. ”I was planting roses when he came”

10. ‘I can play the guitar”

11. Tom asked “Do you speak English?”

12. Tom asked “ Where do you live?”

13. Tom asked “ Can you play basketball?”

14. Tom asked “ Does your mom work in a bank?”

15. Tom asked “Did you go to the cinema yesterday?

inkarmukash inkarmukash    3   16.05.2020 13:17    10

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