Ihaven't done any exercise for a while and i don't feel very healthy. i really need to get fit. what are the best forms of exercise to do to start getting fit? how often should i exercise? is it good idea to join a gym or fitness club? напишите , ,ответ на письмо

Ъъъъъъъъъъъъъъъъ Ъъъъъъъъъъъъъъъъ    3   18.09.2019 04:00    7

biksummer23 biksummer23  18.09.2019 04:00
Hello my name and i am proffesionl fitness coach. if aren't very fat it won't be really difficult fur you. but as i know you aren't fat. so let's begin from starter exersices. i think that you about what exercises i am talking about because you aren't begginer. however should exercise 5 days a week or if you want good result you can exercise 7 days a week. if you have some questions you can ask me whenever you want. i will try to answer you quickly. bye, have a nice day.
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