I. (Reading)
Прочитайте текст, отметьте предложения как «верные» (T) и «неверные» (F).

Mike and Liza are going to visit their grandmother. It is her birthday today. They have cards and balloons. Mum is carrying a birthday cake. Dad is carrying a present. They are going to go to Grandma's house by car. Max, their dog, cannot go to Grandma's house with them. The car is very small.
Dad opens the car and puts the present on the roof of the car. They all get inside. And off they go! The present falls down on the ground.
They are at the grandma's house. She likes the cards and the balloons. She likes the cake, too. She is very happy. “Where is the present?” asks Mum. “I don't know”, says Dad.
There is a knock at the door. It's Max! He has Grandma's present. “You are a clever dog, Max!” they all say.
Grandma's present is a new pullover. She likes it very much. “What a lovely pullover!” she says. The family is very happy. And Max is happy, too. Dad gives him a big piece of cake, “Here you are, Max. Thank you very much.”
1. Mike and Liza are going to visit their grandfather.
2. Max, their cat, cannot go to Grandma's house with them.
3. She doesn’t like the cards and the balloons.
4. Grandma's present is a new book.
5. She likes it very much.
6. Max and his friends are very happy.
III. ( Grammar) Употребите нужную форму глагола to be (am/is/are) в Present Progressive.
1. We… playing football now.
2. They… not reading now.
3. … you looking at the blackboard ?
4. He… not reading at the moment.
5. She… playing the piano now.
6. I… not baking a cake.
7. … your granny drinking coffee at the moment?
III.Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужную форму (Present Simple, Past Simple, Present Progressive, Present Perfect)
1. Yesterday I… to school. (go)
2. Pupils … to school every day. (go)
3. We … … a book now. (read)
4. Masha … already … a letter to her granny. (write)
5. My sister … English very well. (speak)
IV . Расставьте правильно слова в предложениях.
1. English, I, my, lesson, day, have, every.
2. Usually, homework, I, the evening, in, do, my.
3. On, Monday, pupils, a, wrote, report, Literature, in.
4. Mother, does, where, your, work?
5. Yesterday, brother, the museum, was, my, in?
V. Переведите предложения.
1.Я умею играть в футбол.
2. Она должна делать домашнюю работу.
3. Мы ходим в школу каждый день

Polina68911 Polina68911    3   24.05.2020 12:39    7

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