Help, please stage






dress circle




upper circle

orchestra pit

gallery (balcony)

front 1ights


proscenium arch


1. The actors started the play on the before the went up.

2. The flowers that draped the took the audience right on to the stage.

3. The actor ran downstage and then further, to the floor.

4. The conductor came out on the stage and called the musicians down to the in front of him.

5. Being just students, they could only afford seats up in the on the very top.

6. The director got to the height of the and had left his assistant to take care

of the things below on the .

7. Some theatres have an intermediate level, called an , between the dress circle and the gallery.

8. He hurried across the polished floor of the into the auditorium - the play was about to start

9. Sitting in the front , he could see the actors well.

10. In the middle of the show the spectators started dancing in the .

11. The child tiptoed from the stage, shielding his eyes from the brightness of the and .

12. They had their own at the Grand Theatre so they could watch the plays in private.

13. There was a blocking her view and she could not see part of the stage.

14. She could have joined the post-game party, but she just knew nothing about it - she was sitting on the second of the stand.

+15. The spectators are kindly asked to hold on to the as you walk the stairs in the upper circle.

tima242 tima242    1   03.11.2020 20:43    49

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