Grammar Conditionals
Complete the sentences
11.I’ll be surprised if he ………………………… back tomorrow.(pay)
12. If we rented that big flat, we ……………enough room for the dog. (have)
13. If they ……………………….………….., they’ll miss the bus.(not hurry)
14. If I help you with your homework, you …………………yourself. (not do)
15. If I were you, Ito England in the winter. (not go)
16. If I miss the last bus, I………………………...…………….…..a taxi. (get)
17. If Tom hadn’t gone to the university, he …….……….….Sarah. (not meet)
18. If you didn’t go to bed so late, you ……….. so tired in the morning. not be)
19. If a bull attacked me, I ………………………………………… away. (run)​

Macsum204 Macsum204    3   24.12.2020 09:15    1

Abuhgghhhhhh Abuhgghhhhhh  24.12.2020 09:20



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