Fill in the gaps with across, round, back, and out.

1 He hopes his dog will come ___
one day.

2 I want to buy this book as soon as
it comes ___!

3 Why not come ___
to see Mary
after work?

4 I hate this place, and I'm never
going to come

5 Let's go to the flea market on
Saturday! You can come___
really worthy there!

6 Cora came ___
and congratulated us on the

7 When does this movie come___?

skskkslslw skskkslslw    3   20.04.2020 13:16    210

alicaraut alicaraut  10.01.2024 15:24
1. He hopes his dog will come back one day.
Explanation: In this sentence, "come back" means to return. The person is hoping that their dog will return to them at some point in the future.

2. I want to buy this book as soon as it comes out!
Explanation: In this sentence, "comes out" means to be released or become available. The person wants to buy the book immediately once it becomes available for purchase.

3. Why not come round to see Mary after work?
Explanation: In this sentence, "come round" means to visit or go to someone's place. The person is suggesting that the other person should visit Mary after they finish work.

4. I hate this place, and I'm never going to come back here.
Explanation: In this sentence, "come back" means to return to a place. The person expresses their dislike for the place and states that they will not return there in the future.

5. Let's go to the flea market on Saturday! You can come across something really worthy there!
Explanation: In this sentence, "come across" means to find or discover something unexpectedly. The person is suggesting that the other person may find something valuable or worth having at the flea market.

6. Cora came round and congratulated us on the anniversary.
Explanation: In this sentence, "came round" means to visit or come to someone's place. Cora visited the speaker and congratulated them on their anniversary.

7. When does this movie come out?
Explanation: In this sentence, "come out" means to be released or become available. The person is asking for the date when the movie will be released.
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