Fill in the gap with the correct form of the verb. 1. our lessons usually…two hours (last, lasts, are lasting) 2. they ….the question now. (discuss, discussing, are discussing) 3. he … at the factory last year (worked, had worked, was working). 4. she … the work already (does, has done, did) 5. my friend … your questions next week. (answer, answered, will answer) 6. my sister … out of luck yesterday. (is, was, will be) 7. we … all night long yesterday (talked, were talking, had talked) 8. i always … bread at this shop (buy, am buying, be buying)

eraly2 eraly2    3   02.09.2019 11:50    0

Cet31072007 Cet31072007  06.10.2020 11:56
1. Our lessons usually…two hours (last)
2. They ….the question now. ( are discussing)
3. He … at the factory last year (worked).
4. She has  already done the work.
5. My friend … your questions next week. ( will answer)
6. My sister … out of luck yesterday. (was)
7. We … all night long yesterday ( were talking)
8. I always … bread at this shop (buy)
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