Fill in the cornect form of the word: 1. july is the ) month of the year. 2. my bike is the ). 3. this is the ) tree in this park 4. peter is the ) runner at school. 5. moha is the (clever) student in our class. 6. this task is the ) in the test. 7. the traffic on this road is the ). 8. it is the ) box here. 9. my granny is the ) in our family. 10. this car is the ) here. 11. liz is the l ) girl in our street. 12. this is the {good) translation. 13. it is the ) film now. 14. i think it is the ) day today. 15, it is the ) size of the dress. 16. bob is the ) student in our class.
1. July is the __(hottest) month of the year.
2. My bike is the __(cheapest).
3. This is the __(highest) tree in this park
4. Peter is the __(best) runner at school.
5. Moha is the (cleverest/most clever) student in our class.
6. This task is the __(most difficult) in the test.
7. The traffic on this road is the __(most dangerous).
8. It is the __(heaviest) box here.
9. My granny is the __(oldest) in our family.
10. This car is the (most expensive) here.
11. Liz is the (fattest) girl in our street.
12. This is the {best) translation.
13. It is the (most popular) film now.
14. I think it is the (coldest) day today.
15, It is the (biggest) size of the dress.
16. Bob is the ___(best) student in our class.