Прочитайте описание рака-отшельника. Заполните пропуски глаголами из предложенного списка в нужной форме, употребляя Present Indefinite (Simple): lose, belong, go, live, find, use, eat, let, have, be, be.

Hermit crabs (0) live in the sea around coral reefs. The hermit crab (1)… to the animal group called "crustaceans" (ракообразные). Crustaceans (2)…
a shell called an exosceleton (наружный скелет). The joints in the exosceleton (3)… the crab move. The joints (4)… clearly visible on the pincers (клешни) and legs. The hermit crab (5)… unusual among crustaceans because the back part of its body is not covered. So the crab (6)… into an empty mollusc shell, in this case a conch shell (стромбида, разновидность моллюска), and (7)… the shell to protect its soft rear end. Each year, the crab (8)… its exosceleton and (9)… a new, larger shell to hide in. Hermit crabs (10)… small fish and shrimps (креветки).

badayevadiana20 badayevadiana20    2   18.11.2020 09:32    123

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