Exercise Vl
Cha11ge the coпstructio11 ofthe seпteпces usi11g the geruпd.
1. St1e bowed her l1ead but she did 11ot speak. 2. 1 like wheп 1 do everythi11g
myself. 3. Не was tired because he talked too much. 4. Wl1en he retur11ed she
weпt immediately i11to the dining-room. 5. I do11't rememberthat I met him iп
London. 6. Little Ja11e liked whe11 she was clean. 7. After he exami11ed the
patient he said it was simply а case of nerve strain. 8. I'm so tired Ьесанsе 1 sit
at home. 9. 1 am still а little afraid to Ье late. 1 О. The younger ma11 l1esitated
before l1e aпswered. 11. Не went 011 a11d did 11ot рау а11у atte11tioп to l1er
iпterruptioп. 12. She stepped back a11d did not say а word. 13. After he left his
friends at uпiversity he bought copies of the early editio11s of the book.
14. Wheп he realized his mistake his first thought was to leave the house as
quickly as possiЬ!e. 15. When he entered the room, he addressed Alec without
prelimiпaries. 16. 1 suggested that 1 should visit my relatives.

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