EXERCISE 4. a) Translate, analyse the words with different suffixes, and divide the following words into three groups: nouns, adjec- tives, adverbs Faderation, Arctic, Baltic, Pacific, total, various, different, climat- cential, continental, abundant, natural, mineral, population eth- minority, nationality, densely, official, language, federal, govern- i, horizontal, European. Russian, freedom, invasion, gradualiy, rie, heaniful, industrial,'political, monument, educational, insti- , university, scientist, magnificent, absoluteiy, certainly, natural- ander, legislative, exccutive, judicial, constitutional, regional, rican, conversation, userul, tradition

severina3 severina3    1   01.04.2021 11:44    936

Макс528103 Макс528103  18.01.2024 20:15
Translation and analysis of words:

1. Federation - noun, a group or organization that consists of smaller groups or organizations.
2. Arctic - noun, the region surrounding the North Pole.
3. Baltic - noun, a sea in northern Europe.
4. Pacific - noun, the largest and deepest ocean.
5. Total - adjective, the whole or complete amount or number.
6. Various - adjective, different types or kinds.
7. Different - adjective, not the same as something else.
8. Climatic - adjective, relating to the climate or weather conditions.
9. Continental - adjective, relating to a continent.
10. Abundant - adjective, present in great quantities.
11. Natural - adjective, existing in or caused by nature.
12. Mineral - noun, a solid substance found in nature that has a specific chemical composition and structure.
13. Population - noun, all the people living in a particular area or country.
14. Ethnic - adjective, relating to a particular race or culture.
15. Minority - noun, a small group within a larger population.
16. Nationality - noun, the status of belonging to a particular nation.
17. Densely - adverb, in a way that has a lot of people, objects, or things close together.
18. Official - adjective, authorized or confirmed by someone in authority.
19. Language - noun, a system of communication used by a particular country or community.
20. Federal - adjective, relating to a system of government in which power is divided between a central authority and individual states.
21. Govern - verb, to control and make decisions for a country, state, or organization.
22. Horizontal - adjective, parallel to the horizon or the ground.
23. European - adjective, relating to the continent of Europe.
24. Russian - adjective, relating to Russia or its people.
25. Freedom - noun, the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants.
26. Invasion - noun, an instance of forcefully entering a place.
27. Gradually - adverb, slowly or by degrees.
28. Rural - adjective, relating to the countryside.
29. Beautiful - adjective, pleasing or satisfying to the senses.
30. Industrial - adjective, relating to or characterized by industry.
31. Political - adjective, relating to the government or public affairs of a country.
32. Monument - noun, a statue, building, or other structure erected to commemorate a famous person or event.
33. Educational - adjective, relating to the provision of education.
34. Institution - noun, an organization founded for a religious, educational, professional, or social purpose.
35. University - noun, an institution of higher education and research.
36. Scientist - noun, a person who is studying or has expert knowledge of one or more of the natural or physical sciences.
37. Magnificent - adjective, impressively beautiful, elaborate, or extravagant.
38. Absolutely - adverb, completely or totally.
39. Certainly - adverb, without doubt; definitely.
40. Naturally - adverb, in a way that is innate or instinctive.
41. Commander - noun, a person in authority, especially over armed forces or a military operation.
42. Legislative - adjective, having the power to make laws.
43. Executive - adjective, having the power to put plans, actions, or laws into effect.
44. Judicial - adjective, relating to the judiciary or the administration of justice.
45. Constitutional - adjective, relating to a constitution or its interpretation.
46. Regional - adjective, relating to or characteristic of a particular region.
47. African - adjective, relating to the continent of Africa or its people.
48. Conversation - noun, a talk between two or more people.
49. Useful - adjective, able to be used for a practical purpose.
50. Tradition - noun, the transmission of customs or beliefs from generation to generation.

Dividing the words into three groups:

Nouns: Federation, Arctic, Baltic, Pacific, Mineral, Population, Minority, Nationality, Language, Invasion, Monument, Institution, University, Scientist, Commander, Conversation, Tradition.

Adjectives: Total, Various, Different, Climatic, Continental, Abundant, Natural, Ethnic, Official, Federal, Horizontal, European, Russian, Political, Educational, Industrial, Magnificent, Legislative, Executive, Judicial, Constitutional, Regional, African.

Adverbs: Densely, Gradually, Beautifully, Absolutely, Certainly, Naturally.

Note: Some words can be used as multiple parts of speech depending on their context.
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