Exercise 22. Put the verb in brackets into the Past Indefinite and the Past Continuous 1. 1. "What you both (do) at 7 o'clock yesterday?" "I (play)
chess with my brother and Eliza (listen) to the radio.”
for Leningrad. 3. When the doctor (leave) the hospital,
2. He (be) the captain of a ship which (sail
) that night
he catch) a glimpse of himself in the glass front door:
4. When her father (come) in she (sit) before a red tea-
table, finishing a very good tea. 5. Next day, while he
(shave) he (cut) himself slightly. 6. The door of his room
(be) open; his mother still (stand) at the window. 7. I (slip)
away while the others (have) coffee. 8. At nine o'clock
the train (crawl) into the station. In a flash he (be) on the
platform and (move) up Railway Road. 9. And, smiling
to himself, he (begin) to make plans, fantastic plans fos
the future. He still (smile) when he (walk) up the rock-
cut steps. 10. When we (talk) I (notice) that he (roll)
a little ball of plasticine between his fingers. 11. While
the water (heat), Ma Parker (begin) sweeping the floor.
12. He (gather) up this evidence in a newspaper and (carry)
it back into the sitting-room where Jennie (sew).​

StacyZviozdohkina StacyZviozdohkina    3   30.08.2020 00:46    36

ArturSSexe ArturSSexe  15.10.2020 16:26

did played listened leaved

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