Exercise 18. find in the texts english equivalents for these words and word combinations: широком смысле , обучаются навыкам , получают знания о себе , полезная схема , пути обучения , официальный , неофициальный , повседневная жизнь , например , слушая , стара- ясь , с хорошими манерами , ездить на велосипеде , звонить по теле- фону , по их собственной инициативе , книжный маrазин , славать экзамены , в большинстве стран , раннее детство , кто отвечает ( не- сет ответственность ) , во главе , вовремя , с приблизительно олина ковой скоростью , одноклассники , должны сдавать экзамены , сте- пень , оценка их успеха , одаренные дети , дети с или умственными недостатками , обучение для взрослых , продолжить после окончания школы , большое количество денег , граждане , об- шее образование , профессиональное образование , ставит целью , умный , ответственный , хорошо информированный , передавать общее культурное наследство , больше чем , подготовленные алисты , начальное образование , на протяжении всей жизни , сред- ние школы , профессиональные программы , плотничное дело , сле- сарное дело , профессиональная подготовка , отдельный , техника . юриспруденция .

guldana14 guldana14    2   15.04.2020 10:50    2049

mit210404 mit210404  19.01.2024 11:49
Exercise 18. Find the English equivalents for these words and word combinations:

1. широком смысле - in a broad sense. This term is used to indicate that something is being discussed or understood in a wide or general way.
Example sentence: "Education, in a broad sense, refers to the process of acquiring knowledge and skills."

2. обучаются навыкам - learn skills. This phrase means that someone is acquiring or developing new abilities or competencies through the process of education or training.
Example sentence: "Students learn various skills in school, such as critical thinking and problem-solving."

3. получают знания о себе - gain knowledge about oneself. This expression refers to the process of acquiring information and understanding about one's own abilities, personality, or behavior.
Example sentence: "Through self-reflection and self-assessment, individuals can gain knowledge about themselves and their strengths."

4. полезная схема - useful scheme. This term denotes a plan or method that is beneficial or advantageous in a certain context.
Example sentence: "Mind mapping is a useful scheme for organizing and visualizing information."

5. пути обучения - learning paths. This phrase refers to the different routes or approaches that individuals can take in their educational journey.
Example sentence: "There are multiple learning paths available, such as traditional classroom-based learning, online courses, or apprenticeships."

6. официальный - official. This term describes something that is formally recognized or authorized by an authority or institution.
Example sentence: "Official school documents, such as transcripts or certificates, are required for college applications."

7. неофициальный - unofficial. This word refers to something that is not recognized or sanctioned by an authority or institution.
Example sentence: "Students often share unofficial notes or study materials with each other to help prepare for exams."

8. повседневная жизнь - everyday life. This phrase represents the activities, routines, and experiences that occur regularly in one's daily existence.
Example sentence: "Learning how to effectively manage time is an important skill for success in everyday life."

9. например - for example. This term is used to introduce specific instances or illustrations that support or clarify a point.
Example sentence: "There are various extracurricular activities available, such as sports, music, or art clubs, for students to pursue their interests, for example."

10. слушая - by listening. This phrase indicates that something is acquired or understood through the act of actively listening to information or instructions.
Example sentence: "Language skills can be improved by listening to native speakers and imitating their pronunciation."

(Note: This response is continuing in the next message due to character limitations...)
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