Ex.3 Make 1-2 sentences with Conditional 3 using the texts of the beginning of the lesson. Reading practice Why do we commit crimes? All adults at some time or another commit a crime, sometimes by accident, but why do some people intentionally commit crimes? Sociologists have put forward three theories that try to explain the causes of criminal behavior. Genetic causes The idea that some people commit crimes because of biological factors has a long tradition. This theory suggests that criminals are born, not made. In the 19th century some people even thought brain size and skull shape could explain criminal behavior. Although experts today no longer believe this, they do argue that human behavior can be liked to an individual’s genes. Studies of adopted children who show criminal behavior suggest that their behavior is more similar to their biological parents’ behavior than their adoptive parents’ showing a genetic link. Environment This theory states that a person‘s surroundings influence their behavior. Just as children learn good behavior from their parents and siblings, so children can learn bad behavior from their families and other close relationships. Researchers in this area argue that early anti-social behavior in childhood often leads to a future of criminal behavior. It is a vicious circle, so one expert states: “Problem children tend to grow up into problem adult, and problem adults tend to produce more problem children”. Choice The central idea of this theory is that crime is a career decision, an alternative way of making a living. Supporters of this theory argue that most criminals are rational people, who know what they want and the different ways of getting it, i.e. work or crime. They are able to balance the risks of committing a crime, such as going to prison, against its benefits, i.e. what they gain if they aren’t caught. The conclusion is if there are more benefits than risks, do it, but if there are more risks than benefits, don’t do it. In conclusion, we can say that research suggests there are three main reasons why people commit crimes: the genetic argument (biological factors); the environmental argument (people’s surroundings) and the choice argument (as a career decision). Although researchers attach different weight to the importance of these three factors, most would agree that there is no one cause for criminality. The causes are complex and will vary from person to person, and in most cases there will be more than one reason for any particular criminal’s behavior. Tasks. Ex. 1 Find words in the text that go with the nouns below. behavior (5) tradition link relationships circle decision Ex. 2 Complete the sentences with phrases from exercise I. He spent many years in prison because of his . Her parents were away from the house so often that she was unable to form with either of them. The USA has a of allowing its citizens to own guns. There are some teenagers in our town whose is beginning to annoy us – they write on walls and shout at people all the time. Some people make a at an early age, but others need time to decide what to do in their lives.

romabryuxachev romabryuxachev    1   19.10.2020 06:35    107

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