Ex. 2. Point out adverbial modifiers in the following sentences. State their type and translate into Ukrainian. 1. A secretary came running with a frightened expression.

2. The people in the bus remained silent till the end of the ride.

3. The lady lived in a large gloomy house in one of the London’s higher-class squares.

4. The fire that was merrily burning in the grate attracted the newcomers as a magnet.

5. Caroline, not knowing what to say, looked questioningly at her companion.

6. The village is large enough to organize a drama society for the young people.

7. The motorcycle rushed past like a lightning leaving a cloud of smoke and a few passers-by behind.

8. He walked rapidly, his head bent, looking neither to the right nor left.

9. I sat at work in the schoolroom with the window open.

10. After a few more minutes, he drove up to the house and stopped the car in the yard.

11. Fleur rose from her chair swiftly, restlessly, and flung herself down at a writing table.

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