Задайте общие вопросы 1. they must get up at 6 o,clock. 6 o,clock? 2 she must eat a lot of fruit. fruit.? 3 ann must help her brother. brother.? 4 tom must look after his pets. his pets.? 5we must write the exercise. the exercise?

kudryashovaek kudryashovaek    1   28.03.2019 05:50    0

grbennikovigor grbennikovigor  26.05.2020 21:59

1. They must get up at 6 o,clock. - Must they get up at 6 o'clock? Они должны вставать в 6 часов?

2. She must eat a lot of fruit. - Must she eat a lot of fruit? Она должна есть много фруктов?

3. Ann must help her brother. - Must Ann help her brother? Анна должна своему брату?

4. Tom must look after his pets. - Must Tom look after his pets? - Том должен ухаживать за своими домашними питомцами?

5. We must write the exercise. - Must we write the exercise? Мы должны писать это упражнение?

Kaytha Kaytha  26.05.2020 21:59

1. Must they get up at 6 o'clock?
3. Must Ann help her brother?
4. Must Tom look after his pets?
5. Must we write the exercise?
2. Must she eat a lot of fruit? 

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