Ex. 1. State the form of the participle. 1. Turning round, he stared at me, but I perceived he did not see me. (S. M.) 2. I kept silence for a little while, thinking of what Stroeve had told me. (S. M.) 3. He looked... like a man, who has fallen into the water with all his clothes on, and, being rescued from death, frightened still, feels that he only looks a fool. (S. M.) 4. When Ashendon, having warmly shaken their hands, closed the door behind the pair he heaved a great sigh of relief. (S. M.) 5. ...having tried various topics of conversation... I asked her to tell me who all the people at table were. (S. M.) 6. Neither of us had seen Strickland for two or three weeks — I because I had been busy with friends who were spending a little while in Paris, and Stroeve because, having quarrelled with him more violently than usual, he had made up his mind to have nothing more to do with him. (S. M.) 7. Above the mantelpiece was a most peculiar picture, which showed nothing more than a child's small wooden chair, painted red... . (Cron.) 8. ...having inquired the way from one of the group of youths lounging outside the Valley Ice Cream Saloon, he (Andrew) set out for the dentist's house. (Cron.) 9. He went out quickly, shutting the door behind him. (A. Chr.) 10. She didn't return with us, having been asked to a supper party... (A. Chr.) 11. In the provinces, you not only know everybody, but you know all their life histories, and can give advice at the drop of a hat on anyone's love problem, having listened to all the telephone conversations and read most of the correspondence relating to the affair. (M. D.) 12. Then she got out and the man seeing her gave an astonished shout. (A. Chr.) 13. I laughed embarrassed, but not wholly displeased with the role thrust upon me. (A. Chr.) 14. There was another silence; Liza sat thinking, and Tom stood at the window, looking at her. (S. M.)

pavlushkaaa pavlushkaaa    3   23.05.2021 18:09    13

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