это легко -

Требуются только объяснения, почему правильный вариант именно этот, а не второй.
ответы здесь есть.

Во Что ты делал ночью, когда полиция приехала?

What did you do last night, when the police came?

✔What were you doing last night, when the police came?

Во Александр весь день вчера в очереди в банке.

✔Alexandr was queuing in the bank the whole day yesterday

Alexandr queued in the bank the whole day yesterday.

Во Вся семья спала, когда кто-то постучал в дверь.

The whole family was sleeping , when somebody was knocking on the door.

✔The whole family was sleeping, when somebody knocked on the door.

Во Поезд прибыл вовремя, поэтому мы опоздали.

The train was coming in time so we were late.

✔The train came in time so we were late.

Во Сколько книг ты прочитала летом?

✔How many books did you read last summer?

How many books were you reading last summer?

Во Девочка плакала, так как потеряла свою собаку.

✔The girl was crying, because she had lost her dog.

The girl cried, because she was losing her dog.

Во Родители Анны поженились в 1980 году.

✔Anna's parents got married in 1980.

Anna's parents were getting married in 1980.

Во Когда гости приехали, моя мама еще пекла торт.

✔When the guests came, my mom was still baking the cake.

When the guests came, my mom baked the cake.

Во Анна встретила Макса, когда совершала покупки.

Anna was shopping when she was meeting Max.

✔Anna was shopping when she met Max.

Во В магазине Анна увидела то красивое красное платье, о котором мечтала целый год.

✔ In the store Anna saw the beautiful red dress she was dreaming about the whole year.

In the store Anna was seeing the beautiful red dress she dreamed about the whole year.

Во Младший брат Марии расстроился, т.к. она не захотела с ним поиграть.

✔ Maria's little brother got upset because she didn't want to play with him.

Maria's little brother was getting upset because she didn't want to play with him. Во Собака лаяла всю ночь, и мы не смогли уснуть.

The dog barked the whole night, so we couldn't fall asleep.

✔The dog was barking the whole night, so we couldn't fall asleep.

Во Учительница вошла в тот момент, когда ученики играли в карты.

The teacher came in at the moment when the students played cards.

✔The teacher came in at the moment when the students were playing cards.

Во Я не верил ни одному его слову.

✔ I didn't believe a word he said.

I wasn't believing a word he said.

Во Макс не узнал Анну, т.к она была в солнечных очках.

✔Max didn't recognize Anna, because she was wearing sunglasses.

Max wasn't recognizing Anna, because she wore sunglasses.

натали577 натали577    2   17.04.2020 19:16    23

Saanna Saanna  17.04.2020 19:30
Не очень хорошо с ним
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