Добрый вечер. написать доклад на языке про пещеры(не про какую то конкретную пещеру,а про пещеры вообще) 7- 10 предложений , с переводом.35 .заранее : 3

Маруся1799 Маруся1799    3   16.12.2019 20:35    5

MrAziimov1 MrAziimov1  17.08.2020 15:22

"Here in the mountains there are several caves, of which Marusinskaya the largest and most interesting.

The entrance to the cave has a triangular shape and is located quite high above the ground (40-50 meters.).

First researcher is mired in the first hall, length 35-40 meter. and a height of 30 meters. At the end of it is a deep well, into which it is easy to fall. Before reaching the well it is necessary to turn to the left, into a niche; there is a long passage in it, having an ascent and descent. At the top of the rise, the passage narrows between two stalagmite pillars. Next, we have to move on all fours. This passage is up to 50 meters long., after which the Explorer enters a wide corridor that leads him into a second hall of snowy whiteness. It is small, but very beautiful. From here again through a narrow corridor you can get to the third hall, the most majestic. It is much larger than the first two taken together. Here stalactites and stalagmites formed magnificent colonnades. Throughout the walls are layers of lime, giving the impression of frozen waterfalls. Here and there, in the hollows, water has collected, so pure and clear that the researcher notices it only when he gets into it with his foot. Here again there is a very deep well and side passages. In this great hall, the observer is involuntarily struck by the amazing acoustic effects — every loud word is answered by a hundred-voice echo, and when a stone falls into the well, a roar rises, like cannon fire; it seems as if collapses occur and the vaults collapse»


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olesamakridina olesamakridina  17.08.2020 15:22

Kungur cave It is located in the bowels of the icy Ural mountains, a hundred kilometers from Perm. Many call it the Kingdom of the Snow Queen. In winter, the temperature in it drops below thirty degrees. Such a climate caused the appearance of beautiful ice crystals adorning the cave. Marble Cave The age of this cave located in the Crimea is about two million years. Entrance to the Marble Cave on the lower plateau of the unknown Mount Chatyr-Dag. The name of the cave was due to the rocks of marble limestone found here. The temperature in it does not rise above eight degrees, even in summer. Among the unusual outgrowths of the cave, the "Kiss" is the most extraordinary. This sculpture supposedly brings good luck in love and strengthens family unions.


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