До ть))) Англійська мова Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets (Infinitive or Gerund). 1 Don't forget ... (do) your homework tonight. 2 Frank says he promises... (give up) ... (smoke). 3 I'm finishing ... (read) the article. 4 Cheer up and keep ... (smile). 5 Bob wrote to me he was looking forward to ... (see) us at Christmas. 6 I have no idea what ... (choose) for a dessert. 7 How many times a week do you have ... (go / shop)?

True228228 True228228    3   16.04.2020 20:46    1

1111362 1111362  28.08.2020 01:26

1. Don't forget to do your homework tonight. 2 Frank says he promises to give up smoking. 3. I'm finishing reading the article. 4. Cheer up and keep smiling. 5. Bob wrote to me he was looking forward to see us at Christmas. 6 I have no idea what to choose for a dessert. 7 How many times a week do you have  to go to the shop?

Lerysik00 Lerysik00  28.08.2020 01:26

Завершите предложения правильными формами глаголов в скобках (инфинитив или герунд). 1 Не забывай ... (делай) ...


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